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Traditional Animation Gallery

 In our gallery, we hope to show you how animation is an ever-evolving art form with its different branching styles. While there has been debate on whether or not animation is art, it breathes life into art by giving it literal movement. Many animators have told their stories through the characters they create and the journeys they embark in the worlds animators created. Whether the plot is overarching or simple, each piece oozes with their charm and passion in hopes to inspire others. 

We believe animation is important because it allows us to communicate ideas in a way that can be easily perceived by people of all ages. Simply put, it's not just for children; anyone can enjoy watching animation regardless of age. Animation has helped connect people throughout the world in a unique way most media cannot. Whether it's through the simple drawings or a heavily detailed one, we want people to know that this is a way to show off their creativity to the world.  

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